These are not videos. These are Kinetic Photographs each made from a series of stills.
They are made from photographs of standing waves in water. The shapes within the original frames do not change very much. They are self-similar. They are a study of how the reflection and refraction of the water subtly alters the appearance of the alluvial sands below the surface.
These are not linear. These are not displayed in a fixed order. The self-similarity makes it possible to display the stills in any order. The continuity remains (consistent). The sequence is constantly being shuffled, generating an almost endless number of variations. [three-quarters of a million combinations for each of the 3 frames on this page.]
The display order within the sequences is constantly being recalculated in real time. The display is run by a separate computer for each image.]
When three variations of the same sequence are displayed side by side, certain frames will sometimes appear in 2 or even 3 different adjacent frames. This reinforces the visual impression. [This is a matter of the algorithm controlling the sequencing and is not a deliberate feature. This demonstrates the patterns of similarity and change that can come from good programming.]
[algorithmic programming relates to improvisation]
This is not music. These are Sound Structures generated from the original photographs.
The natural forms in the subject matter yield organic sound structures. Notes rarely ever start or end at the same time. All sound floats in and out in interweaving patterns. Sometimes the notes get so dense that they generate tone clusters, where the identity of the individual notes give way to the sound of the whole.
The sound is generated directly from the photographs through a process now known as sonification. The placement of areas of tonality in Visual Space indicates the position of musical notes in Harmonic Space. The exact method changes for each piece by this artist.
The concept of Non-Linearity in the visual images is parallel to the idea of Variations on a Theme. This is Multiplicity.
The sound structures from each frame are similar (in harmonic form, dynamics and shape).This self-similarity makes it possible to play the sound pieces in any order. The continuity remains (consistent). The sequence is constantly being shuffled, generating an almost endless number of variations.
Perpetual Intermix
You are listening to three different sound pieces coming from three visuals. Each one is a different length and they never really line up. So you are listening to a constantly shifting set of relationships that also never repeat. This is the same situation as is happening with the kinetic photographs. |